Published On: December 1, 2023

9 thoughts on “Her Tiger Pajama’s Chapter Eighteen

  1. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DAMN BOI YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! SOMEONE FINALLY LET’S HER KNOW! Man this was such a satisfying chapter! And I like the idea of Amanda and Abby being besties, that’s one of the things I was looking for in the case the thing between Abby and Moe didn’t work out, it was a nice end to that little arc, and well I can understand Moe and his reasoning to not be honest with what he’s going for, I mean on one hand he gets teased by being into pregnancy or everyone gets on his case for liking women that aren’t “of the usual standards” , of course he’s gonna be all quirky and secretive and reserved about it, I don’t condone being creepy but with someone as big as his lady of interest who would keep composure all the time? I certainly would have it harder than him TwT, funniest part of this was Abby trying to solve this with the power of ANIME X’D Oh…Oh my God, it was neat, and I see blondo here isn’t the only one getting his love boat started and I feel dread for Max 🙁 …Overall, best early Christmas gift ever :3!

  2. Does anybody know when the next chapter will come out?
    Or at least have an estimate?

    1. I’ve been posting the comics here at a faster pace in order to get caught up with Patreon. Now that I have, I’m going to have to space out posting the new chapters even further. It takes me a while to produce each page and as of late I’ve taken on other projects, not to mention family and household projects that need my attention too. Tentatively, I’m looking at April for Chapter 19. That may change, but thats a worst case scenario. Thanks

  3. French big belly lover

    Does anybody know when the next chapter will come out?
    Or at least have an estimate?

  4. French big belly lover

    Well that’s great.
    Can give us an estimation?
    Or did something happen that I am not aware off?

    1. I’ve been posting the comics here at a faster pace in order to get caught up with Patreon. Now that I have, I’m going to have to space out posting the new chapters even further. It takes me a while to produce each page and as of late I’ve taken on other projects, not to mention family and household projects that need my attention too. Tentatively, I’m looking at April for Chapter 19. That may change, but thats a worst case scenario. Thanks

  5. French big belly lover

    Thank you for your feedback.
    I already had the idea I missed something

  6. I really hope we get to see how many babies Amanda is going to have, she’s gotta be holding close to 9 or 10 now!

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